高雄國際機場(距離酒店約 14 公里)
Kaohsiung International Airport (abt. 14km to the hotel)
搭乘紅線至 R13 凹仔底站,從 2 號出口步行約 8 分鐘(約 500 公尺)。
MRT From R13 Aozihdi EXIT 2, walk about 500m to Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel. The walk should take about 8?min.
由小港國際機場乘車約 30 分鐘。(車資約 NTD 315 - 345)
From Kaohsiung International Airport, a car ride to the hotel takes about 30 min (Estimated cab fare is NTD 315 - 345)
左營高鐵(距離酒店約 4 公里)
Zuoying High Speed Rail Station (abt. 4km to the hotel)
搭乘紅線至 R13 凹仔底站,從 2 號出口步行約 8 分鐘(約 500 公尺)。
MRT From R13 Aozihdi EXIT 2, walk about 500m to Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel. The walk should take about 8 min.
由高鐵左營站乘車約 15?分鐘。(車資約 NTD 165?- 185)
From Zuoying HSR Station, a car ride to the hotel takes about 15 min. (Estimated cab fare is NTD 165 - 185)
Limousine Service